Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What colleges in San Diego have very good theatre programs?

What colleges in San Diego have very good theatre programs?
I currently attend the Art Institute Of California San Diego for Animation (am about halfway through) and have unfortunately realized only now that this school is beyond deplorable. I have also realized that what I love even more than art and animation is acting, specfically, voice acting. Now, I have a strong background in animation and fine art at this point, but it could also use some honing. Basically, my question is this: what schools in the San Diego area offer very good theatre programs/majors as well as a good Fine Arts program (for me to possibly minor in)?
Theater & Acting - 1 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
First of all theatre programs do not teach acting well. You really should be choosing a professional school like LA Film School for animation and acting. Art and academics is a poor mix.

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