Wednesday, April 6, 2011

UC College in southern California ?

UC College in southern California ?
I am a currently in 11th grade at a San Diego California High School. My GPA last year was a 3.7 and I have yet to take my S.A.T. I am afraid that I lack the extracurricular they seek for. And I was wondering what colleges want and look for and what I can do.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Colleges aren't looking for any one extracurricular. They're looking for well-rounded students. This doesn't mean you should join every club in your school-that will just look like you're trying too hard. Rather, show consistent involvement in a few extracurriculars that you enjoy. That being said, things like community service and student leadership make a particularly good impression. So find a couple of extracurricular activities that interest you, and get involved!

best thing to do is research. go to each of the UC campuses' websites and check what they look for. you might find something attractive about a certain campus while you research. Also, do campus visits. The feel of the campus could be different than you think

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