Monday, April 18, 2011

What sport can I play?I live in San Diego, California.?

What sport can I play?I live in San Diego, California.?
Okay,I want to start playing a sport.I haven't played a sport til' i was 9. I mean by that is,is i quit when i was 10 years old and i played softball. I don't know why to play softball and nor do i want to play football. I am 14 and i am a girl! anyways i have never been a cheerleader,but i want to be one.But my mom said it was too late for me to be a cheerleader:/ is it? if it is then what other sport do you think i should play? Also I am 5 foot 1,and i weigh 141 pounds. I don't go to school.I do but my school i am going to doesn't have sports and I only go every thursday for an hour a day.
Other - Sports - 5 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :


try bowling. or golf. if you lose 40 pounds try volleyball.

Vollyball !

Its not to late to be a cheerleader, but I would consider Color Guard. My ex girlfriend competed in color guard and it wasn't affliliated with school. Perhaps consider track and field. Powerlifting for someone of your height could go a long way.

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